
Prayer Requests will be posted on the Community Grace Facebook page.  Requests can be placed at any time or contact the church office and we will be glad to post it for you.

  • 7.28.24 Straight Ahead

    We are so happy to hear from our Straight Ahead leaders and youth this Sunday!  May we use this opportunity to not only support our youth, but also to pray for them often.


    Matthew 11.28-30   “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”


    • Official Board Meeting ~ Aug. 7th at 6:30pm


    July 28th         Ice Cream Social sign-up DEADLINE

    July 28th         Straight Ahead @ 6pm

    July 30th         Men of Community Bible Study @ 7pm

    July 31st         Straight Ahead Sub/Pizza Delivery

    Aug 4th           Adult Bible Fellowship @ 9-10am

    Aug 4th           Worship Service and Kidland @ 10:30am

    Aug 4th           Ice Cream Social 6:30pm

    Aug 7th           Women’s Summer Event @ 6:30pm

    Aug 7th           Official Board Meeting @ 6:30 pm

    Aug 8th           Ladies Breakfast @ Kelly’s 9am

    Aug 11th         Adult Bible Fellowship @ 9-10am

    Aug 11th         Worship Service and Kidland @ 10:30am

    Aug 11th         Painting Fundraiser sign-up & payment


    Aug 11th         Straight Ahead @ 6pm

    Aug 13th         Men of Community Bible Study @ 7pm

    Aug 16th         Painting Fundraiser @ 6:30pm

    Aug 18th         Adult Bible Fellowship @ 9-10am

    Aug 18th         Worship Service and Kidland @ 10:30am

    Aug 18th         Straight Ahead @ 6pm

    Aug 22nd        Ladies Book Club @ 6:30pm

    Aug 25th         Adult Bible Fellowship @ 9-10am

    Aug 25th         Worship Service and Kidland @ 10:30am

    Aug 25th         Straight Ahead @ 6pm

    Aug 27th         Men of Community Bible Study @ 7pm


    August Trustees:            

    Gary Shryock

    John Mickle


    Prayer Requests:

    Prayer requests are eventually rotated off to keep them current.  To update names, simply request them to be resubmitted.  Also, prayer requests can be added to the church’s private group Facebook page or contact the church office at admin@communitygrace.online. 


    We are currently sending out prayer requests by email.  If you or anyone you know is not receiving these, please let me know.  I have found that some of the emails we have on record are not correct.


    Donations for Summer Meals

    Community Grace has the chance to minister to families in the Everett School District this summer.  (These are families that receive the weekend backpack program during the school year.)  We have 33 students signed up for the summer backpack program.  Thank you for all your donations, but we will need more for the other 4 pickups. You may donate any of the following in the box downstairs by the entrance door. 

    * oatmeal packs, granola bars(any brand), poptarts, cereal, 

    * pasta, pasta sauce

    * oodles of noodles, ramen noodles, chef boyardee products with pull tabs (We have lots of spaghettios currently), Mac & cheese

    * canned fruit or individual fruit cups, canned vegetables

    Pickups will be Aug 6.

    If you would like to help this summer please see Melissa Seese, Laurel Sarafin, or Amy Sobzack.

    Women’s Summer 2024 Events

    We are excited to announce our summer series events for the ladies in the church.  Feel free to bring along a friend.  We will start the social gatherings at 6:30pm, there will be a short time of devotion at the social gatherings and time of fellowship.


    Please feel free to bring along a snack but this is not necessary.  This will be a great time to get to know others in the church and build lasting friendships. Any questions, please contact Denise Karns 814.215.7370      

    August 7th ~ Social get-together @ the church for a Taco Bar

    Sign-up at “Sign-Up Central”

    August 16th ~ Canvas Painting fundraiser for Kidland in the church Fellowship Hall

    Cost is $25 and prepayment is required.  Payment envelopes and sign-up sheets are

    located on the Welcome Desk.  Place your check or cash in the envelope provided and

    drop it into the offering box.  Deadline is August 11th.

    Kidland Group Leaders

    Urgent Need for Class Facilitators: 

    2- and 3-year-old Class

    4 yr., 5 yr. and Kindergarten Class

    1st and 2nd Grade Class

    For more info contact Sherri Peeler.


    Ice Cream Social

    Who loves ice cream?  If that's you, then join the fellowship team on Sunday, August 4th at 6:30 pm for a Homemade Ice Cream Social in the Fellowship Hall.  We will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of our church and enjoying ice cream, lots of yummy toppings, cake, hymn singing, storytelling, pictures from the decades, and lots of great memories. Please sign up at sign-up central by July 28th if you plan to attend and if you are willing to bring homemade ice cream to share.  Feel free to spoil others with your favorite ice cream flavors!!!


    Since this is the 40th Anniversary event of our church, we would like to have a slide show of photos from throughout the years.  If you would like to submit any, please send them to Amanda Feight through FaceBook, or text 814.977.0815, or email 5feights@gmail, or in person, or let them in the church office marked as Attn: Amanda Feight ~ Anniversary.

    Christmas In July

    Anyone interested in being part of the Christmas Choir, please sign up at “Sign-Up Central” before July 28th so choir books can be ordered.  First practice will be after the Worship Service on September 15th.

    Straight Ahead Summer Schedule

    July 28th  ~ Pool Party

    August 4th   ~ Youth at church 6-8 pm

    August 11th ~ Youth at church 6-8 pm

    August 18th ~ Photo Scavenger Hunt in Bedford Square 6-8 pm

    August 25th ~ Back to School Party (location to be determined)


    Momentum Fundraiser, Sponsorships, and Donations

    Please help support our Straight Ahead Student Ministry’s Momentum Youth Conference experience.

    Fundraiser: Pick up an envelope with a number on it and this number is the amount of money to be donated. Place your cash or check in the envelope and place it in the offering box.

    Sponsorships:  Pick up a flyer and envelope at the Welcome Desk to help sponsor a student to go to Momentum.

    Donations:  Make your check payable to Community Grace Church and write Momentum on the Memo line or go to the church’s website at www.communitygrace.online under “Giving” to donate.


    Fellowship of Christian Athletes 2024 Golf Outing

    Enjoy a great day of fellowship, food, faith and golf. Saturday, September 7th at the Somerset Country Club, registration will begin at 12 noon, Shotgun starts at 1pm and dinner and prizes will be served following the scramble at 5pm.

    Ladies’ Book Club

    Ladies’ Book Club will generally be meeting the 4th Thursday of every month.   The next meeting will be held August 22nd at 6:30pm and we will be discussing “A Fall of Marigolds” by Susan Meissner.  If you have any questions, contact Alice Wallace at 574.265.5149. Copies of the 2024 Book Club List are located at “Connection Central” by the side entrance.

    Ladies’ Breakfast

    The Ladies’ Breakfast meets every 2nd Thursday of each month at Kelly’s Restaurant at 9 am.  Ladies of all ages are invited to share in a time of fellowship while enjoying a delicious breakfast.  If you have any questions, contact Nellie Howsare at 652.6220.

    Men of Community Bible Study

    The Men of Community Bible Study meet every other Tuesday at 7pm at the church or via Zoom.


    Church Family Directory

    Join our Community Grace Church Family Directory.  Whether you are a member or a regular attender, you are welcome to join.  Pick up your copy of the Church Directory Guidelines at the Welcome Desk in the lobby.


    Adult Bible Fellowship

    ABF meets from 9 to 10am every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall (downstairs).  Childcare is provided.


    Straight Ahead

    Students in grades 6th thru 12th are welcome to join the fun.  Check out the information and forms on our website regarding upcoming ministry opportunities at communitygrace.online!!

    We meet Sunday nights from 6 to 9pm in the Fellowship Hall.  You don’t have to be a member of our church—everyone is welcome and bring a friend!!

    Youth Pastor Search Team Prayer Request

    Please remember to pray as we search for a new youth pastor. We have reached out to various organizations, placed our need for a youth pastor on several websites, and spoken to key individuals about our desire to find a youth pastor. Our team was advised that this request is hard to fulfill right now. But God can make this happen, so we cannot become discouraged. “When God's people and the world see something only God can do, they come to know God.” This is a quote from the women's bible study class, Experiencing God. Our goal is to provide our youth with godly leadership. Thanks to the Athertons and several others who are stepping up in the interim. God will provide; we will wait on his timing and continue to pray. Even though this is proving to be difficult; we will experience something that only God can provide.


    Offering Envelopes

    If you would like to have envelopes for your gift giving, contact Karen Jones at finance@communitygrace.online.  You can also give online at the church’s website at communitygrace.online.

    Lost & Found

    There are several items in our lost and found basket.

    Check it out, it might be yours!  Lost and found basket is located on the shelf above the coat rack in the lobby.


    Just a reminder to periodically check your mailbox.  Mailboxes are located at the right-side of the front doors.


    Food Bank

    Want to help your community?  Drop off canned goods, with good expiration dates, in the Food Bank box located in the lobby to the left of the front doors.  We have been collecting canned pears, but any canned goods are welcome.  If you have canned items and cannot bring them in, please contact John Mickle by phone or message at 814.288.9332.  He will gladly pick them up anywhere in Bedford County.  Your donations are greatly appreciated.


    Church Directory on Your Mobile Device

    Now you can sync our church directory directly to your Apple, Android or Kindle Fire device with a FREE app!  You must be a participant of our Family Directory.  Pick up a form on the “Connection Central” Wall.


    RightNow Media

    RightNow Media is an online library offering:

          rightnow Media originals

          Book of the Bible Series

          Bible Studies

    o   For Women

    o   For Men

    o   For Youth

    o   On Marriage

    o   On Parenting

          Popular Kid Shows

    And so much more.  Pick up your form in the display rack on the “Connection Central” Wall.


    Get Connected

    Would you like to receive a phone call, email or text when there is an announcement or prayer request?

    If so, fill out the “Get Connected” form located on the “Connection Central” Wall and drop it off in the church office.

  • 7.21.24  Catching up with old friends

    We are so happy to catch up with old friends today as they share with us what the Lord is doing in their lives in another country.  We give glory to God for their faithfulness and the fellowship we share.  Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with them!


    1 Peter 2.9-10   But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.  Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have mercy.


    • A Love Offering basket for our guests today is in the lobby.  Let’s show our love, appreciation, and encouragement for the wonderful work this faithful couple is doing.


    July 21st         No Straight Ahead

    July 24th         Women’s Summer Event @ 6:30pm

    July 25th         Ladies Book Club @ 6:30pm

    July 28th         Adult Bible Fellowship @ 9-10am

    July 28th         Youth Sunday Service and Kidland @


    July 28th         Ice Cream Social sign-up DEADLINE

    July 28th         Straight Ahead @ 6pm

    July 30th         Men of Community Bible Study @ 7pm

    July 31st         Straight Ahead Sub/Pizza Delivery

    Aug 4th           Adult Bible Fellowship @ 9-10am

    Aug 4th           Worship Service and Kidland @ 10:30am

    Aug 4th           Ice Cream Social 6:30pm

    Aug 7th           Women’s Summer Event @ 6:30pm

    Aug 8th           Ladies Breakfast @ Kelly’s 9am

    Aug 11th         Adult Bible Fellowship @ 9-10am

    Aug 11th         Worship Service and Kidland @ 10:30am

    Aug 11th         Straight Ahead @ 6pm

    Aug 13th         Men of Community Bible Study @ 7pm

    Aug 16th         Women’s Summer Event @ 6:30pm

    Aug 18th         Adult Bible Fellowship @ 9-10am

    Aug 18th         Worship Service and Kidland @ 10:30am

    Aug 18th         Straight Ahead @ 6pm

    Aug 22nd        Ladies Book Club @ 6:30pm

    Aug 25th         Adult Bible Fellowship @ 9-10am

    Aug 25th         Worship Service and Kidland @ 10:30am

    Aug 25th         Straight Ahead @ 6pm

    Aug 27th         Men of Community Bible Study @ 7pm


    July Trustees:                   

    Bill Klahre

    Tom Jones

    Andy Barton


    Prayer Requests:

    Prayer requests are eventually rotated off to keep them current.  To update names, simply request them to be resubmitted.  Also, prayer requests can be added to the church’s private group Facebook page or contact the church office at admin@communitygrace.online. 


    We are currently sending out prayer requests by email.  If you or anyone you know is not receiving these, please let me know.  I have found that some of the emails we have on record are not correct.


    Donations for Summer Meals

    Community Grace has the chance to minister to families in the Everett School District this summer.  (These are families that receive the weekend backpack program during the school year.)  We have 33 students signed up for the summer backpack program.  Thank you for all your donations, but we will need more for the other 4 pickups. You may donate any of the following in the box downstairs by the entrance door. 

    * oatmeal packs, granola bars(any brand), poptarts, cereal, 

    * pasta, pasta sauce

    * oodles of noodles, ramen noodles, chef boyardee products with pull tabs (We have lots of spaghettios currently), Mac & cheese

    * canned fruit or individual fruit cups, canned vegetables

    Pickups will be June 25, July 9 & 23, and Aug 6.

    If you would like to help this summer please see Melissa Seese, Laurel Sarafin, or Amy Sobzack.

    Women’s Summer 2024 Events

    We are excited to announce our summer series events for the ladies in the church.  Feel free to bring along a friend.  We will start the social gatherings at 6:30pm, there will be a short time of devotion at the social gatherings and time of fellowship.


    Please feel free to bring along a snack but this is not necessary.  This will be a great time to get to know others in the church and build lasting friendships. Any questions, please contact Denise Karns 814.215.7370      

    July 24th ~ Social get-together @ Lea Spiridigliozzi’s house

                            Sign-up at “Sign-Up Central”

    August 7th ~ Social get-together @ the church for a Taco Bar

    August 16th ~ Canvas Painting fundraiser for Kidland in the church Fellowship Hall

    Kidland Group Leaders

    Urgent Need for Class Facilitators: 

    2- and 3-year-old Class

    4 yr., 5 yr. and Kindergarten Class

    1st and 2nd Grade Class

    For more info contact Sherri Peeler.


    Ice Cream Social

    Who loves ice cream?  If that's you, then join the fellowship team on Sunday, August 4th at 6:30 pm for a Homemade Ice Cream Social in the Fellowship Hall.  We will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of our church and enjoying ice cream, lots of yummy toppings, cake, hymn singing, storytelling, pictures from the decades, and lots of great memories. Please sign up at sign-up central by July 28th if you plan to attend and if you are willing to bring homemade ice cream to share.  Feel free to spoil others with your favorite ice cream flavors!!!


    Since this is the 40th Anniversary event of our church, we would like to have a slide show of photos from throughout the years.  If you would like to submit any, please send them to Amanda Feight through FaceBook, or text 814.977.0815, or email 5feights@gmail, or in person, or let them in the church office marked as Attn: Amanda Feight ~ Anniversary.

    Christmas In July

    Anyone interested in being part of the Christmas Choir, please sign up at “Sign-Up Central” before July 28th so choir books can be ordered.  First practice will be after the Worship Service on September 15th.

    Straight Ahead Summer Schedule

    July 28th  ~ Youth Sunday Service at 10:30am

    July 28th  ~ Pool Party

    August 4th   ~ Youth at church 6-8 pm

    August 11th ~ Youth at church 6-8 pm

    August 18th ~ Photo Scavenger Hunt in Bedford Square 6-8 pm

    August 25th ~ Back to School Party (location to be determined)

    Ladies’ Book Club

    Ladies’ Book Club will generally be meeting the 4th Thursday of every month.   The next meeting will be held July 25th at 6:30pm and we will be discussing “The Last Thing He Told Me” by Laura Dave.  If you have any questions, contact Alice Wallace at 574.265.5149. Copies of the 2024 Book Club List are located at “Connection Central” by the side entrance.

    Ladies’ Breakfast

    The Ladies’ Breakfast meets every 2nd Thursday of each month at Kelly’s Restaurant at 9 am.  Ladies of all ages are invited to share in a time of fellowship while enjoying a delicious breakfast.  If you have any questions, contact Nellie Howsare at 652.6220.

    Men of Community Bible Study

    The Men of Community Bible Study meet every other Tuesday at 7pm at the church or via Zoom.


    Church Family Directory

    Join our Community Grace Church Family Directory.  Whether you are a member or a regular attender, you are welcome to join.  Pick up your copy of the Church Directory Guidelines at the Welcome Desk in the lobby.


    Adult Bible Fellowship

    ABF meets from 9 to 10am every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall (downstairs).  Childcare is provided.


    Straight Ahead

    Students in grades 6th thru 12th are welcome to join the fun.  Check out the information and forms on our website regarding upcoming ministry opportunities at communitygrace.online!!

    We meet Sunday nights from 6 to 9pm in the Fellowship Hall.  You don’t have to be a member of our church—everyone is welcome and bring a friend!!

    Youth Pastor Search Team Prayer Request

    Please remember to pray as we search for a new youth pastor. We have reached out to various organizations, placed our need for a youth pastor on several websites, and spoken to key individuals about our desire to find a youth pastor. Our team was advised that this request is hard to fulfill right now. But God can make this happen, so we cannot become discouraged. “When God's people and the world see something only God can do, they come to know God.” This is a quote from the women's bible study class, Experiencing God. Our goal is to provide our youth with godly leadership. Thanks to the Athertons and several others who are stepping up in the interim. God will provide; we will wait on his timing and continue to pray. Even though this is proving to be difficult; we will experience something that only God can provide.


    Offering Envelopes

    If you would like to have envelopes for your gift giving, contact Karen Jones at finance@communitygrace.online.  You can also give online at the church’s website at communitygrace.online.

    Lost & Found

    There are several items in our lost and found basket.

    Check it out, it might be yours!  Lost and found basket is located on the shelf above the coat rack in the lobby.


    Just a reminder to periodically check your mailbox.  Mailboxes are located at the right-side of the front doors.


    Food Bank

    Want to help your community?  Drop off canned goods, with good expiration dates, in the Food Bank box located in the lobby to the left of the front doors.  We have been collecting canned pears, but any canned goods are welcome.  If you have canned items and cannot bring them in, please contact John Mickle by phone or message at 814.288.9332.  He will gladly pick them up anywhere in Bedford County.  Your donations are greatly appreciated.


    Church Directory on Your Mobile Device

    Now you can sync our church directory directly to your Apple, Android or Kindle Fire device with a FREE app!  You must be a participant of our Family Directory.  Pick up a form on the “Connection Central” Wall.


    RightNow Media

    RightNow Media is an online library offering:

          rightnow Media originals

          Book of the Bible Series

          Bible Studies

    o   For Women

    o   For Men

    o   For Youth

    o   On Marriage

    o   On Parenting

          Popular Kid Shows

    And so much more.  Pick up your form in the display rack on the “Connection Central” Wall.


    Get Connected

    Would you like to receive a phone call, email or text when there is an announcement or prayer request?

    If so, fill out the “Get Connected” form located on the “Connection Central” Wall and drop it off in the church office.