JULY 15-21: Momentum Youth Conference

Momentum, a youth conference for students in 6th-12th grade, is produced by CE National. CE National believes very strongly in youth and truly desires to see them develop a heart for God and for His Word. They also believe very strongly in the purpose of Momentum in students’ lives: to help strengthen their commitments to Christ, to their local church, and to their local church youth group.


Registration is now open and the deadline for early bird registration and to save the most money is March 31st. When you register you will need to Pay the $75 deposit. Be sure to add the early arrival option and the breakfast plan. These are not optional for our group and will be paid for by the church. If you have any questions or need some help figuring things out you can call or text me at 717-676-8381 or track me down at church!

For more information about Momentum and to register go to their website at: https://buildmomentum.org